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La cistoscopia - Medical Animation


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Item #ANH00008es — Source #1

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La cistoscopia - Medical Animation
MEDICAL ANIMATION TRANSCRIPT: El mdico realizar una cistoscopia para diagnosticar las condiciones del tracto urinario. El sistema urinario o tracto urinario produce orina y la excreta del cuerpo. Incluye los riones, los urteres, la vejiga y la uretra. En los hombres, la glndula prosttica envuelve a la uretra en la parte inferior de la vejiga. Cuando la sangre circula, atraviesa los riones donde los desechos y el lquido extra son extrados para crear la orina. Luego, la orina baja a los urteres para almacenarse en la vejiga, un msculo expansible con forma esfrica. Durante la miccin la orina sale de la vejiga a travs de la uretra y es eliminada del cuerpo. Al permitir que el mdico mire el interior de la uretra, la vejiga y las aberturas de los urteres a travs de una cistoscopia, se pueden revelar las siguientes condiciones: un crecimiento inusual como un plipo, quiste o tumor. Una piedra en la vejiga o cerca de la misma, inflamacin o afeccin crnica, una estenosis o estrechamiento de la uretra, agrandamiento de la glndula prosttica o lceras en la pared de la vejiga. Antes del procedimiento es posible que se le introduzca una va intravenosa para proporcionarle medicamentos. El mdico comenzar aplicando anestesia local para adormecer el rea. Una vez que el rea est adormecida, el mdico insertar cuidadosamente la punta de un cistoscopio en la uretra y lentamente lo har subir hacia la vejiga. El extremo del cistoscopio contiene una fuente de luz y lentes que proyectan imgenes a travs de una lente ocular y en una pantalla de video. Al introducir una solucin estril clara, el mdico expandir la vejiga. Examinar cuidadosamente las paredes de la vejiga y la uretra. Mirando a travs de la lente ocular del cistoscopio y observando las imgenes proyectadas en la pantalla de video. Cuando el mdico finalice, el cistoscopio ser extrado. Inmediatamente despus del examen, el mdico podr informarle lo que observ. Si se tom una biopsia, por lo general, los resultados estarn disponibles en algunos das. Este procedimiento usualmente dura de entre 2 a 10 minutos. Generalmente, podr irse a su casa de inmediato despus de la cistoscopia. Es probable que el mdico le recete antibiticos para evitar una infeccin. Tambin le puede ofrecer medicamentos para cualquier incomodidad persistente.

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"Medical illustrations are essential during trial for any medical malpractice case. The people at MLA have the uncanny ability of creating medical illustrations that simplify the most complex of medical concepts and human anatomy to a lay audience. The exhibits of MLA allow experts to easily describe complex concepts and human anatomy in a manner that could not be done otherwise.

In addition, their custom illustrations show in great detail the extent of injuries suffered and the devastating effects they have had on the client's anatomy. These custom illustration can show, side by side, the body before and after a catastrophic injury. The effect of this juxtaposition is unmatched by any testimony that can be adduced at the time of trial.

Even jurors after trial have commented on the ease with which they grasp medical concepts and anatomy once the MLA exhibits were introduced and used by my experts. Even judges who have "seen it all" are thoroughly impressed by the detail and sophistication of the illustrations.

I would not want to try a case without them."

Lambros Y. Lambrou
New York, NY

"For us, the defining feature of effective demonstrative evidence is whether, by itself, the piece will tell the story of the case. Medical legal Art provides our firm with illustrations and animations that are clear and persuasive. Their exhibits tell the story in a way that allows the jury to understand a very complex subject, very quickly."

James D. Horwitz
Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, P.C.
Bridgeport, CT

"[Your staff] was extremely efficient, cooperative and gracious and [their] efforts produced a demonstrative exhibit that we used effectively throughout our trial. The jury verdict of $3,165,000.00 was, in no small measure, due to the impact of the demonstrative evidence. You may be sure that we will call again."

David J. Dean
Sullivan Papain Block McGrath & Cannavo, P.C.
New York, NY

"Thank you for the splendid medical-legal art work you did for us in the case of a young girl who was blinded by a bb pellet. As a result of your graphic illustrations of this tragic injury, we were able to persuade the insurance company to increase their initial offer of $75,000.00 to $475,000.00, just short of their policy limits.

We simply wanted you to know how pleased we were with your work which, to repeat, was of superlative character, and to let you know that we would be more than willing to serve as a reference in case you ever need one. Many thanks for an extraordinary and dramatic depiction of a very serious injury which clearly "catapulted" the insurance company's offer to a "full and fair" amount to settle this case."

Philip C. Coulter
Coulter &Coulter
Roanoke, VA

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